Dark Review
THIS IS A MASTERPIECE. But its also super crazy in this great twisted way.
Dark is this crime mixed with drama and science fiction thriller. And is netflix’s first German original made by Baran bo Odar & Jantje Firese. Dark follows Jonas Kahnwald as he tries to stop the loop and the end of the world of the two main worlds for three generations Finding out secrets of his parents and other towns people pasts on the way.
Dark takes place in a town called winden in 2019 when children start to go missin. As the police are looking for the misssing children (one of them being the police chief’s son) they find a dead boy who went missing in 1986 but according to the coroner he had been dead for only the better part of the day.

I think this is a show that everybody should watch, it has something for everybody. Its the best written show i have ever seen and will possibly ever see. Partly due to the fact that thay had the whole show planed from the begining. All the 26 episodes from the three seasons were planed out from the start. That means they had time to think about every litle plot detail and twist. There is pretty much no rock left unturned about this show.
What really compliments the amazing writing is the direction and acting. The show is directed amazingly. All the shots are gorgeus, even the simple talking heads are a marvel to look at because of its visual style. And the acting is out of this world. The actors bring so much felt emotion to the show, plus that makes them beliveable characters. One of the best examples is young Jonas playd by Luis Hoffman. In my oppinion the best performance in the show. He goes trough so much and every time you feel it with him there were definetly some very touching moments because of the acting.
The show also has this shtick of making you uncomfortable all the time this happens more in the first season and half way in the second but you just feel this dread all the time. A good amount of this uneasy feeling comes from the perfect sound-design. The songs used in the show are also perfect for it. Meaning that they fit the naritive well. Unlike in some other shows. Thre are also these horor esce sound ques that make you very uncomfortable at times
Nothing also of the table. I mean this show is super messed up. There are moments in this show that wil make you say WTF outloud, and it definetly made me say that outloud. For example There is a moment where you realize that a womans daughter is her mother… This in the show is possible because of timetravel. There is also a moment where a character realizes that his love intrest is his aunt wich is also possible because of time travel. The show walks a fine line in all the best ways. While being super absurd its actualy beliveble in the shows universe with time travel being real and all.
I certainly missed something important but i think you get the overall feel for this amazing show. I really hope you give this a chance