Difficulty of Choosing
If you have ever had difficulty choosing a topic to write about you might
have wondered why it is so difficult.

If you have ever had difficulty choosing a topic to write about you might have wondered why is it so difficult. The short answer to that question would be the wealth of options. As an example if you only had to choose
between two options it would be much easier to choose than if you had
to come up with one yourself. Nowadays people are faced with an endless
barrage of choices on a daily basis and it makes sense that we would get
overwhelmed occasionally.
Some typical choises that come to mind, just to clarify what I mean: When to wake up, What to wear, What to eat, Where to go, How to
get there, What to do, and many more nearly daily choices to think
about, So it’s no wonder choosing a topic for a paper can be difficult.
Because of this I think it would be good to have a few “Emergency topics”
in case someone can’t decide on a topic. (Yes I was complaining about not
getting a topic sooner) Enjoy the vaguely related Stockphotos.