Gingerbread cheesecake

The best cheesecake you’ve ever tasted.



150g gingerbreads 

50g melted butter 


4 gelatines 

3,3dl whipped cream 

1 cinnamon stick 

5 carnations 

¼ tbsp ground ginger 

200g cream cheese 

200g flavored curd 

½ sugar 


  • Chop gingerbreads. Mix with melted butter 
  • Put a baking paper between base and border in a springform pan 
  • Press 2/3 of gingerbread mix to pans base 


  • Put gelatines to cold water 
  • Heat half of the whipped cream and flavours in a little pot. Let it boil 8 minutes. 
  • Lift pot from stove. Remove cinnamon stick and carnations 
  • Melt cream cheese to whipped cream. Heat it until it boils a little bit. Lift pot from stove, add gelatines and mix until its flat. 
  • Add curd and mix. 
  • Froth rest of cream and sugar. Mix cream cheese-curd mixture to foam. 
  • Pour batter to pan.  
  • Coagulate in fridge 3-4 hours or to next day. 
  • Release cake from pans border using a knife. Ornament as you like. 

Ready to enjoy 🙂 

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