Sad satan, the videogame from deep web
on June 25, 2015 Jamie Farrel, the owner of the YouTube channel Obscure Horror Corner, got an anonymous link to a horror game, sad satan. He downloaded the game from tor hidden service, wich is a browser made to acsess deeb web. Jamie made five videos of the game and it vent viral.
The gameplay
The game is mostly jus walking trough dark hallways. During most of the game, you hear only your footsteps. But suddenly you can hear screaming, sigin, talking, moaning, growling or music. Sometimes played backwords or slowed down. One of the audios is Charles manson`s monolog. The player will be stuck in a room trough the entire monolog and after the last words:”if i started murdering people, there`d be non of you left.” they`ll teleport out. After a while, the sentense will start to play on a loop.
The game is really pixeleted and dark and sometimes the colors fade and the game turns to black and white. Sometimes a picture of a person will appear on the screen.
In the game you will aventually come across child figures. They wont do anything. They`ll just stand there quietly.
Eventually Jamie deledet the game, because a notepad file with mysterious and threthening messages would keep appearing on his desktop. Later when he tried to reupload the game, the link didn`t work anymore.
Fans in detective work
People have investigated the secrets of the game. Some have pointed out that the screams soud very real and could be recordings of real children screaming in terror.
In the start of the game a picture of Jimmy savile and Margaret Thatcher will apear on the screen. Savile died in 2011 and has been suspected of explotitation of 500 children.
One of the pictures is of Miyazaki Tsutomu. He was a japanese serialkiller, cannibal and necrophil. He`s victims were four little girls.

Then theres apicture of rolf harris dreesed as santaclause surrounted by children. He was sentenced to jail in 2014, for explotitation of four girls. A movie producer Roman Polanski is also seen in the game. He left from usa in 1978 after being accused of interference with minor.
Sad satans soundtrack is amazingly terrifying. It inclueds a radio transmission, that an unknown sourse started to send from poland in the 60s. It continued `till year 1997. Audio was alternation of a music box playing and a girl saying numbers in german.
there`s also a slowed down speec from Adolf Hitler and the monolog of Charles Manson.
One of the fans figured out what the symbol messages meant. They formed sentenses like: ”I can track you”, ”Good luck”, ”U are on my list” and ”Sad people died”.
Wanna play?
Sad satan is impossible to find. People suspect that Jamie made the story up to get notice on his youtube channel. In july anonymous 4chan user claimed to be the creator of sad satan and shared a link, where the game could be downloaded. The game was like sad satan, but there was only one level. The biggest difference was, that the pictures where changed to sick real life gore and child porn. The clone also brougth a nasty troijan to your computer.
one of the fans made the game safe by changin the pictures and cleaning off the troijan.
in august youtuber pewdiepie made a video of sad satan and played the clean version of the game. He probaly didn`t know about the dirty version of thegame, because he didn`t warn about it. So the wiewers brobably downloaded the wrong version.
The original sad satans theme was clearly devil symbols and child pornography. Afterall the game was found from deep web and from child porn growing base. But the satanic side of the game seems amateur and suspicious because they showed a picture of baphomet.
Who made the original game and who made the clone? Sad satan is now a big internet mystery, that people are still trying to figure out.