Tale of the Huru-Ukon harrastepaja
Who is Huru-Ukko?
I am 40 years old living in Loimaa with my family. I’m from Tornio and i have lived in Turku for 20 years. I am a multi-expert in the metal industry and I have about eight years of work experience in the welding profession , and I have also studied for a basic machinist degree. There aren’t many machines in the machine workshop environment that I don’t know how to use.When I was a kid, we didn’t have a TV or a computer, so I spent a lot of time in the garage, where I did various projects. I made wooden toy guns and knives from old kicksled blades with a grinder. I became familiar with hand making and equipment from a young age.
I’ve always been interested in bladed weapons and collected them for my own pleasure. Because of this hobby, there was also a need to make knives and axes for myself as decorative objects. I’d always wanted a nice tomahawk, and I ended up making one for myself. With this project, I found myself enjoying this kind of creation and art very much. I ended up making myself other decorative objects in this style.

What’s a hobby workshop for a huru old man?
Due to spinal wear (back problems), four years ago the doctor forbade me from a heavy labor profession. Huru-ukon harrastepaja (coocoomans hobbylab) is a project where I try to find out if I can employ myself with this hobby. The idea is to modify old axe blades, for example, into a Viking, or tomahawk style. I have even modified pruning shears blade to the blade of spear by moving the stalk to the center of the blade and grinding the steel symmetrically.I use ready-made store-bought blanks because the store does not provide enough densely-sourced and sufficiently dry wood material from which the best and most durable stems are made. The idea is that the product is also suitable for real purposes, i.e. they are sharp and durable. Using a theme suitable for the tool being produced, I engrave embossing on the stems to support the grip of the handle and bring an eye-pleasing look to the product. After that, the stem is often stained and burned so that the color does not wear out.
I made a facebook group called ”Huru-ukon harrastepaja” to learn about a possible customer base. The name of the group describes the creative madness needed to brainstorm this kind of project. No money has been spent on marketing the group, but has simply made knowin various handicrafts and hobby groups by publishing products with a link to their own page. The group has currently amassed about 240 fans. I update the group wall with pictures of products being manufactured at different stages. There is also an image folder of the hobby workshop and the tools I use and folders of completed products, which now total thirteen. Tomahawks, various Viking-style axes, spear, razor, knife and a saber have been made.
How’s the workshop now?
Now I haven’t had much time to focus on the project due to my university studies. I have been studying mechanical engineering at Turku University of Applied Sciences for over three years now, and my studies are in the final stages at the moment. There is a very high probability that I will graduate as an engineer at the turn of the year. However, the idea has evolved in my head all the time and it is certain that as a part-time company there is potential here. I have found that there are enough customers and sales as long as I can keep product prices low enough. There is a customer base and the company does not require large investments.
I have selected four of the best ideas from prototypes, which will become the company’s standard products, and the aim is now to repeat their manufacturing with the aim of optimizing the manufacturing processes of the products. Blades and stems for products have already been purchased and the design work is underway. I’m also going to make some unique products, and one’s already in the works.
Huru-ukon harrastepaja on 40-vuotiaan levyseppähitsaajan luoma Facebook-ryhmä, jolla hän pyrkii tutkimaan käsityöharrastuksensa kaupallisia mahdollisuuksia. Hän valmistaa käsityönä esimerkiksi viikinki- ja intiaaniteemaisia koristeellisia teräaseita. Kun lääkäri ilmoitti, että raskaan työn tekeminen metallialalla on ohi ja ammatti menisi vaihtoon, itsensä työllistäminen harrastustoiminnalla tuli ajankohtaiseksi. Aihetta hän on nyt tutkinut ja tehnyt prototyyppejä tuotteista jo noin neljä vuotta, insinööriopintojensa ohella. Sen verran on selvinnyt, että asiakaskuntaa on, kunhan tuotteiden hinnat voi pitää kohtuullisina. Nyt on edessä vaihe, jossa tehdyistä prototyypeistä on valittu neljä päätuotetta, joiden valmistus pyritään uusimaan optimoiden valmistukseen käytettävä aika ja menetelmät. Ensi kesäksi olisi tarkoitus perustaa sivutoiminen yritys.
What does the future bring?
There are plans to start a business and I will probably use some light entrepreneurship service so that I do not have to spend time on accounting etc.. The name of the company is still open and I’ve been thinking to use my facebook group for competition of company name, which will be rewarded with the product of my choice. I should also design a website and company logo.
Teksti: Susanna Juola
Kuvat: Markus ja Susanna Juola